Congressman Reichert swore an oath to protect us from “enemies foreign and domestic.” We now know that the Trump campaign embraced Russian government interests to attack and influence our electoral process.
After endless denials from the guilty parties, there is now no question that Trump campaign staff colluded with Russia to promote foreign interests, contrary to the laws of the United States.
Rep. Reichert and his fellow Republicans appear unconcerned. Ripping away people’s access to healthcare is deemed more important. Rep. Reichert’s failure to even issue a statement on the attack against our electoral process constitutes a failure on his part to protect our democracy. It is a striking example of placing party above country.
To not counter the clear and present danger of Russian influence in the executive branch and our electoral process is to condone it. Rep. Reichert whose side are you on? Do you work for the Republican party or do you work for your country, its laws, and our democracy?
Mark Joselyn
North Bend