Snoqualmie Plein Air Paint Out to feature local, regional watercolorists

“Plein Air” is another way of saying “in the open air.” Painters will take their easels into the open air at the second annual Snoqualmie Plein Air Paint Out, Saturday, Aug. 28.

“Plein Air” is another way of saying “in the open air.” Painters will take their easels into the open air at the second annual Snoqualmie Plein Air Paint Out, Saturday, Aug. 28.

Both seasoned and amateur artists participate in this annual event, actively creating works of art throughout the city in locations such as Railroad Park, Snoqualmie Falls Park, and many others. Residents and tourists can spend the day enjoying the outdoors, observing an artist at work, and seeing the community from a new perspective.

Artist information will be available on the day of the event at the Railroad Park Gazebo in historic Snoqualmie beginning at 9 a.m.

Artwork will be available for purchase at artist locations and booths during the event. It will also be available at the artwork showing, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Isadora’s Café, 8062 Railroad Ave. S.E. in downtown Snoqualmie. Refreshments will be served and there will be a no-host wine bar.

Ballots will be given to those at the showing to select the best painting, which will be featured for the next Snoqualmie Plein Air Paint Out poster. The 2009 and 2010 posters are available for purchase from the Snoqualmie Arts Commission at the event.

Registration questions may be directed to Jeff Waters, Snoqualmie Arts Commission Chairperson, at