Community center, downtown plans topic of Snoqualmie council retreat

Finding fixes for long-neglected infrastructure is the business at hand as the Snoqualmie City Council goes into its annual planning retreat, Monday and Tuesday, March 8 and 9, at the Salish Lodge.

New looks at sustainable finances and planning for a new community center and YMCA are on the docket. But Mayor Matt Larson told the Valley Record that the main emphasis for this year’s retreat is protecting the city’s assets.

“Infrastructure items will increasingly demand the council and administration’s attention in the coming years,” Larson said by e-mail. “Much of the infrastructure on the Ridge is now 10 years old. Consequently, it is just entering its first maintenance schedules for such things as street overlays, sidewalk replacement, repair and replacement of playground equipment and maintenance of the urban forest.

Downtown revitalization efforts go into high gear this spring, and the city has made extensive infrastructure inventories in the past few years, the mayor said.

Much of the two-day retreat also involves discussions of funding and financing, including identification of a new revenue sources.