Be money smart: Finance classes coming to Carnation

A series of five classes aimed at helping people learn about banking, borrowing and saving money and other financial issues will be held at 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday evening in Carnation, beginning April 19.

A series of five classes aimed at helping people learn about banking, borrowing and saving money and other financial issues will be held at 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday evening in Carnation, beginning April 19.

Money Smart is taught by volunteer banking professionals to help people improve their financial health and well being: building knowledge, developing confidence, and using banking services effectively. Classes use lecture, small group discussion and interactive exercises and will be held at the Hopelink Sno-Valley Center, 31957 Commercial Street, in Carnation.

The schedule includes Banking and Checking on April 19, Managing and Saving Money on April 26, Consumer Protection on May 3, Borrowing and Saving Money on May 10, and Credit History on May 17. Classes are open to the public and are free of charge. Preregistration is required and there is no child care available.

For more information or to register, contact Financial Literacy Coordinator Tracy Greene at 425-250-3003, or by e-mail at