Mount Si Class of 1960, reunited

The Mount Si High School Class of 1960 held its 50th reunion this past September at Mount Si Golf Course.

The Mount Si High School Class of 1960 held its 50th reunion this past September at Mount Si Golf Course.

Pictured are, from left, on the left side, back row, Karl Bookter, Doug Stadick, Diane Dillman Stadick, Colleen McCullough Johnson, Maurice Martin; middle row, Earlene Butts Trombley, Carol Maskrod Voss, Darlene Femling Lockwood, Don Howe; front row, Gary Trussell, Pat Busby, Sandra Slott Sugden, Mary Jones Hanson, Ed Lamb, Clyde “Jeep” Adcox. On the right, back row, Robert Griffith, John McCurry, Nick Schneider, Fred Forcier; front row, Linda Phelan Darkenwald, Noel Eby, Karla Kantola Westeren, Stella Tetzloff Hairslip, Caroline Sitterding Hoff, Nancy Vlahovich Moore, Kathy Corliss Kransler, Dottie Anderson Hammond, Jerrilyn Thompson Rysner, Jim Borgen, Charles Scott.