Sno-Valley Senior Center seeks goodie donations for volunteers

The Sno Valley Senior Center in Carnation runs off the energy and enthusiasm of its volunteers. Hosting its annual volunteer luncheon in April, the center is seeking coupon and gift certificate donations from Valley businesses as a reward to appreciate its volunteers. The reward idea, using goodie-stuffed mugs, was tried last year, and was a hit.

The Sno Valley Senior Center in Carnation runs off the energy and enthusiasm of its volunteers. Hosting its annual volunteer luncheon in April, the center is seeking coupon and gift certificate donations from Valley businesses as a reward to appreciate its volunteers.

The reward idea, using goodie-stuffed mugs, was tried last year, and was a hit.

Contact to help. Coupons and offers are asked to be donated by the first week of April, in time for the April 10 luncheon.