Fall City schools earn achievement awards

Both Fall City Elementary School and Chief Kanim Middle School have received 2010 Washington Achievement Awards.

Fall City Elementary will receive an award for both overall excellence and a special recognition in science. The school had an overall ranking of “Exemplary,” one of 11 elementary schools in the state to receive this ranking. This is the second year this award has been distributed to schools and it is Fall City Elementary School’s second year receiving the award in both categories.

Chief Kanim Middle School will also receive awards for overall excellence and special recognition in science, also for the second year in a row for both awards. Only 19 middle schools in the state received the overall excellence award, and only two received the science recognition.

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education created the Washington Achievement Award to celebrate top-performing schools and to recognize achievement in multiple categories: overall excellence, language arts, math, science, improvement and closing achievement gaps. It is based on school performance according to the Washington Achievement Index, a comprehensive measurement of how schools in Washington are performing over time.