North Bend Agape Chiropractic’s Leslie Bedell completes nutrition study

Dr. Leslie Bedell of Agape Chiropractic Healing Center in North Bend was recently awarded a certificate of completion for 14 months of study. Bedell explored Nutrition Response Testing, a methodology for looking at nutritional deficiencies behind many common health problems. An audience of relatives and friends witnessed her Advanced Clinical Training graduation ceremony earlier this year in Clearwater, Fla. Bedell said she’s excited to have an additional health improvement tool to assist patients on their road to better health.

Dr. Leslie Bedell of Agape Chiropractic Healing Center in North Bend was recently awarded a certificate of completion for 14 months of study.

Bedell explored Nutrition Response Testing, a methodology for looking at nutritional deficiencies behind many common health problems. An audience of relatives and friends witnessed her Advanced Clinical Training graduation ceremony earlier this year in Clearwater, Fla.

Bedell said she’s excited to have an additional  health improvement tool to assist patients on their road to better health.

“Nutrition has become a major factor in the ability of my patients to lead a happier, more productive lives, and the investment I have made has already provided considerable improvement to my existing patients,” Bedell stated, “and I know it will for those yet to come.

Since returning to North Bend, she’s re-dedicated her efforts to helping patients.

“I have already seen very positive changes in my patients on a daily basis,” she said.

Following the method, the natural supplements used to restore the missing nutrients are actually made of “whole food” not chemicals, says Bedell.

Bedell added that she was recently excited to see the dramatic improvement in a woman patient who had been suffering with rheumatoid arthritis for 14 years.

• You can contact Bedell at or at Agape Chiropractic Healing Center, 425-888-1670, or visit her on Facebook.