The local libraries have some great programs going on. At
Snoqualmie Library from Jan. 20 to Feb. 17, stories, songs and fingerplays for ages
3 to 7 and families are held on Thursdays at 7 p.m. You can register by
calling (425) 888-1223. Another option is a hands-on workshop of
preschool games and activities that teach math. This will be held at Children’s
Services of Sno-Valley on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at 7 p.m. You can also
register for this by calling (425) 888-1223.
Sparky actually stood in the doorway for half a minute, but as soon
as he saw rain, he made a run for the sanctity of his warm spot on the
bed, which includes the pajamas I had laid out to put on after taking a bath.
Only two months to showtime! I have been having trouble sleeping
at times thinking about that upcoming 26-mile walk. We will soon be
doing a 20-mile walk, which we have to do in five hours. Let me tell you,
keeping a pace of four miles an hour is not easy for a five-hour period. I keep trying
to picture the pounds left behind on the sidewalk we walk on and hope it
won’t be as tough as it sounds. This weekend we are taking a break from the
Gas Works Park route and opting to walk the trail from Preston to
Snoqualmie Falls. My blisters do not want to heal so I am about to try a liner sock
with the regular walking sock plus blister protectors. I guess I can’t really
whine too much about blisters because they certainly can’t compare to what
people go through when battling leukemia!
We have been having tons of red- winged blackbirds out here lately.
I love it when they all take off flying at the same time and you see all
the flashes of red and orange on their wings.
Looking for something different to cook for breakfast? How about
a breakfast burrito? Cook ground sausage in a pan, add one large
potato, peeled and grated (or cheat and use hash browns) and cook until
brown. Drain fat. Warm the tortillas according to the directions (use flour
tortillas). Scramble eggs and divide all the ingredients among the tortilla
shells and add grated cheese. Roll and eat.
The local businesses have now got their entry forms for the prize
given every year for Valentine’s Day for a sweetheart package, so don’t forget
to enter. You can also win a free trip to Hawaii for the best love story,
given away by the Hawaii State Vacation Planner. The contest runs until Feb.
14. To enter, submit an original G-rated love story of 500 words or less
containing the word “Hawaii.” You can submit the stories online
at or mail to Love Stories, 1351 Kuhio
Highway, Kapa’a, HI. 96746. Official rules are on the Web site or mail a SASE to
the mailing address.
Please submit items for the Snoqualmie News Notes to
Donna, P.O. Box 604,
Snoqualmie, WA 98065
or e-mail Ballou1@earthlink. net.