Let your mother know you appreciate her

A look at North Bend life through the eyes of a local.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and I have something I would like to

pass on to you. If your mother is living, go tell her you love her. Go tell her

how much you appreciate all she did for you when you were growing up.

Go tell her how much it means to you that she is a part of your life.

I say this for a very important reason. I would really love to be able

to tell my mom all of this and have her understand. My mother had a

stroke about six years ago. She knows I am her daughter, but since there are

five of us, she isn’t sure which one I am. She always seems pleased to see

me when I visit, but she doesn’t remember I was there after I leave. We

don’t honestly know how much she knows or remembers, because she

rarely speaks. She doesn’t know I write this column. She doesn’t know how

beautiful the library I work in is. She doesn’t know she has


The only person she fully recognizes is my dad. She seems to like

the place she lives. But I miss my mother. The one who I had noisy

discussions about books with, the one who did the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

in ink. The one who participated so fully in our lives. If you have always

meant to tell your mom how important she is to you, do it now. You never

know when you are going to lose that chance.


If you are between the ages of 11 and 18 and would like to make a

corsage for your mother, you can come to the North Bend Library on

Saturday, May 13, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Kim Lafferty, librarian and

graduate of the Seattle Floral Institute, will be there to help you make the

perfect corsage for Mom.


Funky Fact: Anna Jarvis started Mother’s Day in 1906. The

Philadelphia woman proposed a day to honor mothers shortly after her own

mother’s death. It was made an official

“day” by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914, who specified the second

Sunday in May should be set aside as Mother’s Day. The tradition of

wearing flowers started by Ms. Jarvis continues with people wearing a red

or pink carnation if their mother is living, and a white carnation if

their mother has died.


I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Timothy Richard Myers.

He’s my grandnephew and will turn 1 on May 12.


Can you smell the honey in the air? That’s the cottonwoods

blooming. And soon, as those of you who share my allergies know, it will be

snowing cottonwood fluff all over the Valley.

It is beautiful around the Valley with all the trees blooming. My

lilacs, no longer being nibbled, are in full bloom and the whole house is full

of their fragrance. The elderberry is blooming and I have spring

beauties and trilliums in my woods. I have been finding robins’ eggshells in the

yard. That must be why the robins are so busy pulling worms. There are

families to feed. Spring is a very busy time in Mother Nature’s world.


If you have been feeding the birds in the winter, keep putting out seed

for a while longer. It helps the parents feed the young ones if they have a

supply of food available.

If you are interested in landscaping for wildlife, you can contact

the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for a list of plants that

give food and shelter to birds. You can write to them at 16018 Mill Creek

Blvd., Mill Creek, WA 98012 or go to their Web site at

www.wa.gov/wdfw. You can also ask for a list of

deer-resistant plants if you are not interested in

feeding the larger wildlife around here.

You can, of course, also get this information at your local King

County Library branch. We are, after all, open seven days a week to serve you.

(Just a little plug, there.)


Thought for the Week: God could not be everywhere, so he

created mothers. -Jewish Proverb.

Please submit items for

North Bend Nuggets to

Pat Simpson at P.O. Box 857,

North Bend, WA 98045,

or by e-mail to patsimps@hotmail.com,

or drop them by the library.