Letters | We need new, vibrant business

I know there is a lot of controversy on DirtFish Rally School in Snoqualmie. I, for one, support DirtFish and what they bring to the area. We need new, vibrant companies in our area—let’s not drive them out or focus on the few complaints.

I know there is a lot of controversy on DirtFish Rally School in Snoqualmie. I, for one, support DirtFish and what they bring to the area.

The site where they are located was a mill in the past—lots of truck traffic and noise.

DirtFish did not cut down a forest to locate there. They want to be a good neighbor and support Snoqualmie. I know the Snoqualmie Valley can use the additional revenue that comes from visitors.

We need new, vibrant companies in our area—let’s not drive them out or focus on the few complaints.

Cindy Parks

Fall City