Signatures roll in for Tanner annex

North Bend moved closer this week to annexing the Tanner area.

North Bend moved closer this week to annexing the Tanner area.

The city delivered petitions for annexation with more than enough signatures to the King County Assessor’s office on Friday, March 27, according to Duncan Wilson, the city adminstrator.

The assessor’s office will verify that the signatures represent more than 60 percent of the assessed value of the area to be annexed. The process typically takes a week. The area’s assessed value is $180 million, according to Wilson. The city believes it has collected signatures representing 64 percent of the area’s value, or $108 million.

A public hearing on annexation is tentatively planned for April 21. After that, the council could issue a notice of intent to annex.

“We may be able to have the annexation finished in mid-summer if everything goes smoothly,” Wilson said.