The Primary is over, and Washingtonians have made their choices.
I hope you all voted. I don’t care how or for whom, just so that you did.
A reminder that the VFW Auxiliary is hosting a Blood Drive this
Friday, March 3. Please drop by and donate if you can. I hope to see you there.
The Mountain Man and I spent last week down at the Ol’ Fishing
Lodge. I can’t really say it was a vacation, more of a working holiday. I
didn’t work here, but we sure worked there! I don’t call it a vacation unless I
can sleep in. No sleeping in when Charlie and Dave, the window guys, arrive
at 8 a.m. sharp to start tearing out the old so they can put in the new. It was
a noisy experience. But the new windows look great, and it is so
much easier to get the place warm with insulated glass. We kept turning
down the thermostat. It was wonderful!
We spent time working in the yard. Nothing major, just trimming
shrubs and hacking down blackberries and stuff like that. We have the most
amazing crop of ivy I have ever seen. It climbs into the trees, and drapes
itself everywhere. I cut and pulled until I could hardly move the next day. I
felt like the heroine of one of those old jungle movies, where every vine
she touches just might be a snake. No snakes, but a large variety of bugs
and twigs. It was lovely!
But we cleared up a lot and discovered two rhododendrons we
didn’t know we had. Also a large vine that I can’t identify. I brought a chunk
home for my boss, the Master Gardener, to help me with. If it flowers, it will
be lovely. But if it is related to kudzu and will take over the world, I want to
cut it down now. The bamboo is bad enough. I haven’t dealt with
bamboo before. There is one patch I want to completely get rid of, but I don’t
know how much of a chore that’s going to be. This stuff has roots
everywhere. But I was born stubborn, and that bamboo is going to
go, even if it takes me forever. Which it might.
002 ¾, aka Dakota the Undercover Cat, also enjoyed the trip. She
preened as the window guys told her what a pretty cat she was and had a great
time leaping out of the ivy after the tines of the rake. She sometimes forgets
the dignity of her 16 years.
Girl Scouts and Brownies selling cookies have replaced the Camp
Fire Girls. My favorites are the Thin Mints and the Mountain Man favors the
Samoan. Buy a few boxes of your favorites. They freeze well, if you can
keep from eating all of them right away. And the money goes to a good
cause. It isn’t often that a sweet tooth and a good deed come in the same box.
Got e-mail from Leigh Feisthammel, former North Bend
resident, now living in North Carolina. She has taken up clog dancing. I
told her I expect regular updates on her progress. I have two left feet and
I appreciate people who can actually perform dance steps without
hurting themselves.
I also have an update on my friend Joan. So many people have
asked about her, and I am glad to report she is doing better. She is getting out
and about more, so you may see her in the local grocery. I want to thank
everyone who has been praying for her.
Thought for the Week: I am not the light, or the source of the light.
But light — truth, understanding, knowledge — is there, and it will only
shine in many dark places if I reflect it.
— Alexander Papaderos.
Let your light shine this week.
Please submit items for
North Bend Nuggets to
Pat Simpson at P.O. Box 857,
North Bend, WA 98045,
or by e-mail to,
or drop them by the library.