Search boats fight Snoqualmie current to locate truck in river

Just after midnight Sunday, April 27, a witness reported seeing a truck sliding into the Snoqualmie River. Fall City firefighters spent the next several hours on an unsuccessful search for the truck, and resumed their search by daylight this morning. "We had a witness who saw this tree shaking," said Fall City Fire Chief Chris Connor, pointing at a small tree on S.R. 202 downstream of the Fall City bridge, where a wide track of crushed blackberry vines marked the truck's path into the water. "They came over and looked down and saw the taillights sinking into the river."

Just after midnight Sunday, April 27, a witness reported seeing a truck sliding into the Snoqualmie River. Fall City firefighters spent the next several hours on an unsuccessful search for the truck, and resumed their search by daylight this morning.

“We had a witness who saw this tree shaking,” said Fall City Fire Chief Chris Connor, pointing at a small tree on S.R. 202 downstream of the Fall City bridge, where a wide track of crushed blackberry vines marked the truck’s path into the water. “They came over and looked down and saw the taillights sinking into the river.”

The full-sized truck may have been a dark green, “which is the same color as the water, unfortunately,” Connor added.

No people or vehicles have been reported missing, Connor said. The only other information his department has about the incident is that the truck may have been parked in the spot for a day before sliding in, and that it didn’t go in at speed.

“It looked the vehicle went very slowly,” Connor said.

The previous night’s search was called off because of the strong current and the darkness, but was resumed this morning, with multiple agencies and search boats from Fall City Fire, Duvall Fire, and King County, using sonar to locate the truck.

Six divers were on hand, if needed, for retrieval efforts. Because of the current, however, the job might be too dangerous for them.

Authorities would not speculate on whether the incident might involve a fatality, but some residents watching the search boats on the riverbank theorized that someone had pushed the truck in as a prank.

Fall City Fire Chief Chris Connor, standing near where the missing truck reportedly slid into the river, watches the search boats on the water.