Riverview School District puts levy renewals on ballot

Voters in the Riverview School District will be asked to continue supporting schools on the Feb. 11 ballot, which will have two local levies on it. Both levies are renewals of previous levies, and both are four four-year periods. An $8.1 million Educational Programs Maintenance and Operations Levy, or M&O levy, would continue to bridge the 23 percent gap between state and federal education funding and the cost to fund current offerings in the district.

Voters in the Riverview School District will be asked to continue supporting schools on the Feb. 11 ballot, which will have two local levies on it. Both levies are renewals of previous levies, and both are four four-year periods.

An $8.1 million Educational Programs Maintenance and Operations Levy, or M&O levy, would continue to bridge the 23 percent gap between state and federal education funding and the cost to fund current offerings in the district. Levy dollars pay for educational programs and school operation costs, including additional teachers to maintain class sizes, librarians, music and PE specialists, counselors, gifted and remediation programs, special education services, educational assistants, summer school, staff training, textbooks, bus drivers and custodial services, fuel, maintenance, extracurricular and athletic programs, coaches and advisors, as well as administrative and other support staff. The levy rate is estimated at $2.84 per $1,000 of assessed value.

The $1.8 million Technology Capital Projects Levy funds classroom technology, which plays an essential role in education. The state does not provide any direct funding for technology. The replacement levy would augment the educational environment by adding student mobile devices, learning software, student computers, staff computer replacements and mobile devices, computer labs, network, wireless, and power upgrades, printers and copiers. The levy also continues funding for computer technicians, technology integration specialists, and professional staff development, plus unanticipated repairs, which account for 13.5 percent of the total tech levy amount.

The tech levy is estimated at 65 cents per $1,000.