LETTERS: Move forward to solve school crowding

As a real estate broker and parent in our local community, it grieved me when I learned that the school bond had not been passed for the loss of one vote.

As a real estate broker and parent in our local community, it grieved me when I learned that the school bond had not been passed for the loss of one vote.

If we are all honest with ourselves, most of us are products of public education and we are grateful for the bonds that were passed on our behalf that funded our K-12 education.

Two of the issues which cause people to become most zealous are children and money. This issue is a merger of both passions. I would encourage my neighbors in Snoqualmie Valley to look carefully at this bond as a wonderful compromise and an effort with fiscal responsibility to enhance student learning while accommodating enrollment.

This bond is neither a referendum on public education nor a poll on suburban growth. Nor is it a survey on school district leadership or state funding policy. This bond is simply the fourth measure before voters in as many years to accommodate the reality in front of us; the number of students in the Snoqualmie Valley School District has increased dramatically and this will continue. Our children need schools and they are dependent on grown-ups to vote to approve bonds that create adequate space.

Until this matter is settled, our school district will need to continue to expend time and effort on new plans and accommodations.  I would rather they be empowered now to move us forward. Please approve this bond!

Stacey Chellis
