Letter: Riding Sound Transit in an urn

Based on our current property taxes, car tabs and the amount of stuff we buy, Sound Transit 3 will cost us $2,000 a year for many years and I will never use it based on our transportation needs, the location of our house, retirement, etc.

Based on our current property taxes, car tabs and the amount of stuff we buy, Sound Transit 3 will cost us $2,000 a year for many years and I will never use it based on our transportation needs, the location of our house, retirement, etc.

I lamented to my wife that we are being asked to spend all this money for a system I will never get to use because of my age and the construction schedule — which most likely will not be met. Not to talk about the usual cost overruns we have become used to now.

She was sympathetic to my plight. She said, “Honey, I will take the urn with your ashes for a ride if I am still alive when it is built.”

Can she really do this? Will she have to buy a ticket for me in the urn so that my ride is official? Someone at Sound Transit get back to me, please.

R. Francis Crerand
