Students from the Snoqualmie Valley have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Washington for autumn quarter.
North Bend students on the list include: Seniors Eden Altwies, Nicholas Apone, Brittney Hower, Olivia Howland, Kathryn Hyland, Sierra Morin, Alexander Pease, Miranda Rawlings, Jordan Riley, Isabella Stokes, Megan Stone, Chantelle Troutman-Watson and Megan Wachtendonk; juniors Natalie Chow, William Gant, Natalie Guterson, Gina Heidel, Rachel Massey and Emma Schubbe; sophomores Trystan Cannon, Gretchen Chase, Peyton McCulley, Emma Panciroli and Zachary Williams; and freshmen Ana Isabel Duarte, Benjamin Zvi Gutenberg and Anna Smith.
Snoqualmie students include: Seniors Maria Barrero, Morgan Evans, Andrew Hartman, Azhar Khandekar, Emily Majors, Tami Toigo and Ashley Wright; juniors Christian Henriksen, Kevin McLaughlin, Kylie McLaughlin, Dean Sydnor, Lichen Yang; sophomores Amber Caudle, Ryan Hartman, Nicole Mostofi, Fabiola Castro and Maria Villegas; freshmen Adham Baioumy, Connor Finley and Jonah Kingery.
Fall City student include: Seniors Dominick Canady, Caitlyn Chaffin, Guy Everett, Lucas Heflin, Devon Kyte, Ty Mahoney and Jack Polito; juniors Cara Currier, Ramie Kraun and Caroline Nelson; and sophomore Sarah House.
Carnation students include: Seniors Cameron Bardy, Lauren Butrim, Catherine Debacker, Gabriel Debacker, Nathaniel Nielsen, Carson Wilk, Riley Wilk; juniors Keith Griffin, Kie Morgan and Aleah Young; sophomore Joseph Petroske and freshman Cooper McBride.
To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade-point average of at least 3.5.