Valley students named to UW dean’s list for fall semester

Students from the Snoqualmie Valley have been named to the dean's list at the University of Washington for autumn quarter.

Students from the Snoqualmie Valley have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Washington for autumn quarter.

North Bend students on the list include: Seniors Eden Altwies, Nicholas Apone, Brittney Hower, Olivia Howland, Kathryn Hyland, Sierra Morin, Alexander Pease, Miranda Rawlings, Jordan Riley, Isabella Stokes, Megan Stone, Chantelle Troutman-Watson and Megan Wachtendonk; juniors Natalie Chow, William Gant, Natalie Guterson, Gina Heidel, Rachel Massey and Emma Schubbe; sophomores Trystan Cannon, Gretchen Chase, Peyton McCulley, Emma Panciroli and Zachary Williams; and freshmen Ana Isabel Duarte, Benjamin Zvi Gutenberg and Anna Smith.

Snoqualmie students include: Seniors Maria Barrero, Morgan Evans, Andrew Hartman, Azhar Khandekar, Emily Majors, Tami Toigo and Ashley Wright; juniors Christian Henriksen, Kevin McLaughlin, Kylie McLaughlin, Dean Sydnor, Lichen Yang; sophomores Amber Caudle, Ryan Hartman, Nicole Mostofi, Fabiola Castro and Maria Villegas; freshmen Adham Baioumy, Connor Finley and Jonah Kingery.

Fall City student include: Seniors Dominick Canady, Caitlyn Chaffin, Guy Everett, Lucas Heflin, Devon Kyte, Ty Mahoney and Jack Polito; juniors Cara Currier, Ramie Kraun and Caroline Nelson; and sophomore Sarah House.

Carnation students include: Seniors Cameron Bardy, Lauren Butrim, Catherine Debacker, Gabriel Debacker, Nathaniel Nielsen, Carson Wilk, Riley Wilk; juniors Keith Griffin, Kie Morgan and Aleah Young; sophomore Joseph Petroske and freshman Cooper McBride.

To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade-point average of at least 3.5.