Letters | Cartoon doesn’t do right by real hunters

What message, pray tell, was cartoonist Jeff Johnson trying to convey with the right-hand image on his September 14 editorial page effort? I’ve been a pretty avid hunter/outdoorsman over my almost 80 years … sometimes in cammie pants and coat, with a double-barreled (or single-barrel) shotgun or rifle but never with a handgun or hunting knife on my hip (a pocket knife gets the job done if need be), or belted ammunition or bazooka/rocket launcher.

What message, pray tell, was cartoonist Jeff Johnson trying to convey with the right-hand image on his September 14 editorial page effort?

I’ve been a pretty avid hunter/outdoorsman over my almost 80 years … sometimes in cammie pants and coat, with a double-barreled (or single-barrel) shotgun or rifle but never with a handgun or hunting knife on my hip (a pocket knife gets the job done if need be), or belted ammunition or bazooka/rocket launcher.

I’ve never worn a cap, let alone have I seen a cap, with a message as stupid as the one worn by Johnson’s image.

Over the years I’ve spent a ton of money on guns, ammunition, hunting gear and fishing tackle and a significant part of the taxes on those purchases went to support wildlife in this country.

Membership in Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited and, yes, the National Rifle Association too, have done more for wildlife by accident than idiotic small-town newspaper editorial cartoonists on purpose.

Just saying…

George Crotts

North Bend