The following stories happened this week, 25 and 50 years ago, as reported in the Snoqualmie Valley Record. From the Record’s archives:
Thursday, May 14, 1992
•Gene Clegg and Jeff Hogan dazzled the Russians last week with a display of high-tech science lab. Actually, at one point, Yuri Kotelnikov, a member of the delegation from the Russian federation, said, “We have the same type of technology. We’re just using it differently.” But the attention of everyone present was taken by the demonstrations of the Mount Si High School lab designed by Clegg, who heads the science department. The delegation of five, the highest level Russian educators ever to visit our state, was led by Dr. Vladimir Sobkin, chancellor of the Ministry of Education in Moscow.
•A plan to initiate a community health study was recently approved by the commissioners of King County Public Hospital District No. The study will ultimately determine the future use of Snoqualmie Valley Hospital and could be completed by August 15. “We need to decide if it is reasonable to expect to maintain ad full-service acute care hospital, given the issues and difficulties to date,” said Robert Rohrbach, commission chairperson.
Thursday, May 11, 1967
•Snoqualmie councilmen paid formal tribute to their late member, Vern King, Monday night and named Charles S. Peterson, 29, to the post made vacant by his death. Red Rasey nominated Peterson, and the approval was unanimous.
•School District 410 Monday night approved calling for bids June 19 on construction of an additional eight classrooms and library for the North Bend School. Superintendent Gordon McIntire told the Board the bid for North Bend facilities would be the first step in a construction program totalling some $2 million for new facilities in North Bend, Meadowbrook and Fall City.