Trump hasn’t kept his promises to help struggling Americans | Letter

Trump was elected because he offered help to struggling Americans. He said he would create more jobs, protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and make college more affordable. But look at his actions.

Creating Jobs. “Virtually none involve jobs that were preserved or created by his actions. They mostly consisted of old decisions or plans made independently by companies for their own business reasons,” according to a May 13 New York Times opinion piece.

So what has he done to create jobs? True, he has eliminated what he calls “job killing” regulations, like coal company environmental rules. A recent report from CNN Money finds Trump’s cuts to environmental regulations may stimulate coal production. But mines increasingly employ machines to dig coal, not miners, so slashing environmental rules could create more pollution, but not many mining jobs.

Protecting Social Security, etc. “Trumpcare” cuts $64 billion from Social Security Disability Insurance, $117 billion from Medicare, and nearly a trillion dollars from Medicaid, according to a Huffington Post report.

Every month, Social Security and Medicare taxes were taken out of our paycheck. What right does he have to slash the benefits we paid for?

College Affordability. Trump seeks to save over $1 billion by eliminating subsidized student loans. He plans to save another $859 million by ending student debt forgiveness for those who enter public service. And he proposes to cut the federal work-study program nearly in half. This is not what he promised. This is “bait and switch.”

President Trump has betrayed us.

Peter D. Bullard
