The following stories happened this week, 25 and 50 years ago, as reported in the Snoqualmie Valley Record. From the Record’s archives:
Thursday, Nov. 12, 1992
• The Upper Snoqualmie Valley has its own tale of two cities. First there’s Snoqualmie, land of deficits, budget cuts and fiscal austerity. North Bend, though not swimming in money, anticipates growth and had its revenues double since 1989. Snoqualmie’s 1993 budget is 13 percent smaller than this year’s. Snoqualmie’s preliminary budget shows a city struggling with a decrease in sales tax revenues, particularly the lack of new construction, a factor that City Administrator Kim Wilde has repeatedly warned about.
• After weeks of debate, revision and public meetings, the North Bend City Council agreed to send King County an urban growth boundary map that is smaller than a map recommended in 1991, but too large for many concerned citizens and Joan Simpson, the lone dissenting council member. Many at the meeting echoed Simpson’s reservations. Speaker after speaker decried what they called the “suburbanization of North Bend” and its surrounding areas.
Thursday, Nov. 16 1967
• Engineers last week recommended a $363,000 sewer system for Duvall in which sewage would be treated through an “oxidation ditch” which would take up a little land, require a minimum of upkeep, and, according to the engineers, be odor free. Some $2,000 to pay for the preliminary plan has been provided by the federal government. The town hopes, with more federal aid, to build a sewer system in the reasonably near future.
• Bill Staggs, a Meadowbrook resident, appealed a case of costly discrimination to the Snoqualmie Town Council. Staggs said that, for many years, he has paid a higher fire insurance rate than other residents because his house is 330 feet from the nearest fire hydrant. That’s 30 feet too far, according to the insurance company, Staggs said. This week, the council acted. Charles Peterson moved, Red Rasey seconded and the council agreed that the fire hydrant should be moved 30 feet nearer Staggs’ residence.