Thursday, Dec. 17, 1992
• King County Councilman Brian Derdowski is accused of sexually harassing Lois Schwennsen, director of the King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department. Derdowski denies the accusations and several public officials make comments supporting or expressing surprise at the claims. The council introduces a sexual harassment policy but no action is taken. County Executive Tim Hill told the Seattle Times that he believed her allegations and believed Schwennsen was credible.
• In a year of economic hardship where more non-profit agencies than ever are serving more patrons with less money, Citizens for Better Schools has managed to make a difference in the Valley’s schools. More than $25,000 was raised for this year’s grants and more keeps coming, said fundraising director Janna Treisman. To date, the organization has generated more than $71,000 in grant monies.
Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967
• Andre G. Lavigueure, forester of the U.S. Forest Service at the North Bend Ranger Station, received the Heroic Award and $300 cash from L.O. Barrett, Forest Supervisor, at the Snoqualmie Annual Christmas Party held at Si View Hall. While on routine flight on Sept 5, the plane crashed in a heavily timbered area near Lake Dorothy. Lavigueure suffered severe a compound fracture of the right arm, lacerations of the arm, face and foot, concussion, and multiple bruises over most of his body. He and the pilot attempted to hike out to a road some five miles cross-country. Due to extensive head injuries, the pilot was unable to continue. Lavigueure continued alone for six hours and was picked up by a forest patrolman and taken to Skykomish Ranger Station. Lavigueure located the crash on maps and aerial photographs where he left the pilot and did not allow himself to be transported to the hospital until he was sure the pilot could be found. The pilot was rescued by helicopter at 9 a.m. the next day.