Seven years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a display of flags representing the nearly 3,000 victims hung in the Mount Si High School lobby, reminding students of the fateful day that changed their country and their lives.
“When you look at those flags, you realize how many people unknowingly started their day, routine, brushing their teeth, going to work, and never came home. It really makes me stop and think,” said Lazarus Honeywell, the Associated Student Body’s student relations chair. The ASB worked with the Student Conservative Club to put on the display.
At the school’s annual welcome-back assembly the morning of Sept. 11, Student Conservative Club President Landon Wilson gave a speech explaining the flags and calling on students to honor the victims.
Wilson said the emotionally taxing undertaking of writing the names kept him and Zach Whetsel, Student Conservative Club vice president, up all hours of the night the week leading up to their installation.
“It was difficult because it was time consuming and repetitive, but the most difficult part was the emotion. Every name you see, you have to realize there is a huge story behind each one, and it was really tough,” he said.