Fall City Fire District Prop. 1 passing based on early results

Levy would support the growth and stability of fire department

A ballot measure looking to raise property taxes to support the growth and stability of the Fall City Fire Department is passing, based on results released by King County Elections Tuesday night.

So far, 53% of ballots tallied have been in favor of the levy, which requires a simple majority to pass. County officials will continue counting ballots over the ensuing weeks, before certifying the election on Nov. 28.

Other Fall City results:

Fall City Fire District Board of Commissioners

Pos. 1

Lilly Hansen: 98%

Pos. 2

Kristopher Belfield: 98%

Fall City Metropolitan Parks District

Charlie Kellogg: 99%

Fall City Water District Commission Pos. 1

Dwight Miller: 70%

Spencer Slominski: 28%