Aloha!! About the time you read this, I will be lying on a sunny
(hopefully) beach in Maui nervously anticipating the 26-mile walk I will be
doing on Sunday. When you wake up Sunday, think of all of us that will
be eating breakfast at 2:30 in the morning and catching the bus to the
marathon. We start the walk at 5 a.m. and have to have it done within 9 hours.
I think I am going to give a great big sigh of relief when this is all over!
Sparky would love to go to Hawaii with me and try out all the fresh
seafood! I know I will sleep better without him waking me up but will
also suffer the consequences of leaving him alone for five days when I
return. His latest thing is a jealousy of Brian. He likes him and loves up to him
but then lays down and stares mournfully at me as if his heart were broken.
How dare I pay attention to someone else!
Corny joke of the week: When does a truck driver stop to eat?
When he comes to a fork in the road!
“Life is a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can
only spend it once.”
It happened this week: Monopoly was invented in 1933;
Chuck Berry melted hearts with his song “Sweet Little Sixteen” in 1958;
The Girl Scouts were formed in 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low to teach
girls outdoor skills and community service; and Alexander Graham Bell sent
the first clear telephone message in 1876 with these words: “Mr. Watson,
come here, I want you.”
Please submit items for the Snoqualmie News Notes to
Donna, P.O. Box 604,
Snoqualmie, WA 98065
or e-mail Ballou1@earthlink. net.