In a statement issued Friday afternoon, Snoqualmie officials publicly placed their confidence in Officer Nick Hogan, the subject of a recent Seattle Times story on court cases settled by Hogan’s former employer, the city of Tukwila, in 2013 and 2014.
“In nearly 18 months of employment as a Snoqualmie Police Officer, Officer Hogan has performed in accordance with police department policies and protocols,” the statement read. “He has not been the subject of any complaints or internal investigations while with the Snoqualmie Police Department.”
Hogan, hired by the Snoqualmie department Feb. 10, 2014 and assigned to North Bend patrol, reportedly was the subject of two lawsuits that the city of Tukwila settled, for a total of $275,000.
According to Snoqualmie’s statement, city officials were aware of the allegations, related to two plaintiffs injured during arrests in which Hogan was involved. Police Chief Steve McCulley noted that he had personally interviewed Hogan, after receiving a recommendation for him from a colleague who’d served with Hogan as military police.
“I looked at it long and hard,” McCulley said, “and I would never on purpose bring liability or issues to our cities.”
McCulley said Hogan deserved a second chance, adding that “He had glowing military records and accolades.”
All officers hired to the department undergo rigorous testing and background checks. Further, Hogan denied allegations that he made a racist comment while arresting one individual, and described the two injuries as sustained while the subjects were resisting arrest.
“There are two sides to every story,” McCulley said, and “I am supporting my officer, who I have faith and confidence in, like everybody else. As long as he’s doing his job, we’ll support him and if something happens, of course he’ll be held accountable.”
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