Fall City’s historic Baxter Barn farm is in charge of the decoration of Bubbles the Salmon this year.
The big, fishy float gets redecorated by a different group in the community most every year for Fall City Days.
Now, Baxter Barn owner Cory Huskinson gets his crack at it. He bought it last year.
“We’ve made it more of a farm theme,” painting chickens and a donkey on it.
The float has been a big hit by visiting children’s school groups. The first and second graders love getting their photo taken in front of it.
Huskinson uses best practices to protect the coho salmon that migrate up the neighboring creek.
“My farm is salmon safe,” Huskinson said. That’s good news for coho like Bubbles.
Bubbles will appear, pulled by a truck, in the grand parade as part of a Baxter Barn entry that includes a hay trailer.