I’d like to comment on the Jan. 18 article on the community center
debates. Mr. Mumma’s statement “the building being a means of uniting
the old and new Snoqualmie and the Snoqualmie Valley” is a true
I believe I’m right in stating providing community and recreational
resources for the children of the city of Snoqualmie probably took a
higher precedence during the decision and planning stages for the
community center and other facilities.
The council worked hard with its fiscal consultants to determine the
best period for construction of the community center, along with the other
facilities. It took into account WRECO mitigation fees, tax base and
population targets required to support the construction, operation and
maintenance of this facility, limiting/deleting
the need for tax increases to the citizens of the city. Consideration was
also taken on the amount of construction taking place at any one time over
a given period. This would allow the city to
provide for the phasing and monitoring of construction in the city
to ensure that monitoring points (traffic increase, population phases,
development costs) remained within the guidelines and [the city could] react if
The period of construction for the community center shouldn’t be a
surprise to anyone as the documentation addressing the developmental phase
of the Ridge has always been public for view.
I worked part time for the Issaquah Parks and Recreation
Department from 1981 through 1995. I saw many programs start and fold due to lack
of participation (population and/or tax base not large enough to
support them). It wasn’t until 1993, the city of Issaquah’s fiscal consultants said
the community center was affordable due to the growth in the tax base and
population to support such a facility.
I hope the council sticks to the construction schedules agreed to and
does not take the risk of putting the city in a financial situation which will
waste the WRECO mitigation fees and cause tax increases.
The council must never forget decisions made affect all the citizens
of Snoqualmie.
Tony Yanez