In regard to the proposed amendments to city code (18.06.030 and 18.10.025) pertaining to commercial truck centers, the North Bend city leaders are being short sighted.
With an increased population in the Valley and throughout the state of Washington, truck traffic to bring goods in will increase.
We should be making things safer for the specialist who carry everyone’s livelihoods in their trucks. North Bend city leaders should be working toward a 21st-century truck stop, not banning enhancement. Expand now so pass closures aren’t a problem. Drivers have to go somewhere. Why not welcome them?
The laws required for rest stops, as well as the geography, make Truck Town a natural pausing point truck drivers. So let’s keep them safe. Let’s keep them off residential streets by expanding and improving facilities. New technology can make a truck stop a better neighbor, and more environmentally friendly.
I implore the planning commission and council to look at investment.
Casondra Brewster
North Bend