Pooch will be used for educational purposes as well as police work
Meanwhile packed ‘Frozen 2’ screening was happening inside theater.
Jim Curtis and Mark Gorman are two of many veteran advocates on the Eastside.
Missed grant has led to $50,000 in the red, could jeopardize services.
Construction on Snoqualmie Parkway will have to happen during daytime hours.
This year’s Mother Brundage raffle will benefit Andrew Yoder’s family.
L&I determined it was a strong wind gust and removed crane pins that led to the deaths of four.
Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate the cause of the car collision.
More than 250 members gathered to hear more on the E. coli situation.
$10,000 award being offered by Arson Alarm Foundation.
All association members asked to boil their drinking water until further notice.
It was a close 4-3 vote. Only non-agenda item discussion will go dark.
The mitigation error stemmed from an incorrectly installed flow meter on Centennial Well.