Years ago, the late journalist Harry Reasoner said this on a CBS historical documentary: “The past is like a foreign…
I have many treasured memories from my four years at the University of Washington, and to this day, they bring…
I have been thinking a lot about an alarming trend in this nation that appears to elevate ignorance.
Because what we know about this election is that other nations that mean us ill — for example, Russia, China and Iran — are working overtime to influence our election.
It all came to my attention one morning that formerly bewhiskered areas of my face were now bare.
Now I’m starting to do all the healthful things I should have been doing all along. It won’t happen in a day, but I am on the road.
We’re beating each other over the heads with “alternate facts.” It’s the tolling of our death knell as a nation.
“I once heard an anecdote about a writer who’d spent a week in his apartment working on his novel, without…
Call it the sweetness of life.
It was 3 p.m. on a recent Friday, and there I was, at my computer, desperate to dig up information…
As humorist and social critic H.L. Mencken wrote, “A man who can laugh, if only at himself, is never really miserable.”
As readers of this column may know, I have terminal cancer.
I admire these guys for very different reasons.