Information is not only power, it’s also health to Bonnie Sherwood.
Mountain View Nutrition, Sherwood’s Fall City shop, features books and other publications along with vitamins, heavily amongst supplements, homeopathic remedies, cosmetics, and other natural products.
There are stacks of pamphlets on various products behind the counter, and in one corner, the 800-page “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” lies open on a reading stand. It’s a reference for naturally managing any number of health problems, and Sherwood relies on it.
“I always tell my customers, if you can afford one book on natural healing, that’s the one,” she said.
If Sherwood can’t suggest something to help with a specific ailment, she is quick to look it up. For insomnia, try melatonin. Arthritis pain, use a hyaluronic acid like Baxyl, she recommends. Anxiety, there’s a flower essence for that.
“I’ve been doing this for about 30 years,” Sherwood said. She’s done her own research for her son’s health, taken classes at Dr. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing (, and “I read a lot,” she said.
For Sherwood, good health starts with nutrition.
“I think the most important thing is to take a really good multi-vitamin,” she said. “I believe that most illness starts with poor digestion and poor diet.”
It’s also important to heal the whole person, she says, “so you have to work in the body, mind and spiritual aspects… There are a number of herbs that can help with spiritual, emotional and physical healing.”
With a foundation of good information and nutrition, Sherwood hopes to keep her shop “a place to go when you want to stay well.”
Sherwood has been in business in Fall City for 14 years. Last summer, she moved the shop to 4302 Preston-Fall City Road.
Mountain View Nutrition is open weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays.
For more information, call 425-222-4096.