Cooks offer heartfelt thanks for toy drive generosity

With the demand for toys increasing since 2009, the kindness and generosity of the people in the Snoqualmie Valley has shown brightly this holiday season. The Snoqualmie Valley Toy Drive doubled the toys received from the past two years combined! Hundreds of terrific new toys were collected including four brand new bicycles to benefit the Kiwanis Giving Tree.

With the demand for toys increasing since 2009, the kindness and generosity of the people in the Snoqualmie Valley has shown brightly this holiday season.

The Snoqualmie Valley Toy Drive doubled the toys received from the past two years combined! Hundreds of terrific new toys were collected including four brand new bicycles to benefit the Kiwanis Giving Tree.

A special thanks goes out to Deputy Amy Jarboe for all her hard work in expanding the toy drive to the King County Sheriff’s Office in North Bend and hosting a special visit from Santa Claus.  We appreciate the Sheriff’s Office allowing her to use their facilities to collect so many toys.

Thanks to everyone who contributed wonderful gifts this year.  While you couldn’t see the smiles on their faces, you can be certain that you made a little girl or boy happy this Christmas and helped a family in need.

Thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday!

David and Lisa Cook

North Bend