Exercise your right to vote: Support the Si View bond

We want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. Often, it is easy to choose not to vote in the primary election, but some of the issues in this primary will affect us for years to come. Please fill out your ballot and send it in.

Additionally, we ask for your vote and support for Proposition 1, the Si View Parks Bond. This bond will fund much-needed maintenance on the historic Si View Park building, repair some of the outside facilities and add some others, as well as add a trail and picnic area at Tollgate Farm. It might seem to some people that this increase to our property tax while the economy is just beginning to recover is a poor choice, but this is precisely the time to be taking on these projects because construction costs are low.

Maintaining the quality of our parks will maintain the quality of life for children and adults alike.

Mayor Ken Hearing

Councilmember Cook

Councilmember Garcia

Councilmember Gothelf

Councilmember Loudenback

Councilmember Pettersen

Councilmember Rosen

Councilmember Williamson