I heard that the teachers union sent a letter to members inferring that Carolyn Simpson (School Board Director) and Melissa Johnson (School Board candidate) were compromising the full funding of our schools.
This could not be further from the truth! Carolyn’s actions have consistently supported student outcomes while encouraging the board and administration to provide a detailed budget when making a case to justify a levy. As a parent and taxpayer, I’m thankful she asked for these details.
Johnson has been clear and consistent in all her responses regarding the levy. She states that regardless of any local levy decisions, we must ensure that our teachers and support staff are being fairly compensated and critical programs contributing to student success are fully funded. Student success is always at the forefront of her priorities.
Melissa has communicated: 1) She is committed to taking a deep dive into the district’s budgets to make certain the funds are going to support student success; 2) She has shared the same model that all three of our legislators are recommending. By running a levy that is half the current levy, the district has the opportunity to receive increased funding while giving taxpayers relief; 3) She has intensely suggested that the district be completely transparent on what the money will be used for; and 4) she recommended creating a budget advisory committee of the board, administration, parents, students and teachers.
Our district administrators are paid very well. Our superintendent’s salary is 18th in the state*, highest by far when you look at similar-sized districts, and our two deputy superintendents fall into the top 25 in the state. Is this the case for our teachers?
Melissa is asking the right question, is our budget being spent in the right place?
Melissa will fight for our kids, ensuring that teachers, bus drivers and support staff are justly paid. Please join me in voting for Melissa Johnson.
Barbara Scott
North Bend
*According to OSPI data for the 2015-16 school year.