Letter | Be sensible about watering

As we celebrate the completion of multi-million dollar renovations in downtown Snoqualmie, let us be mindful of our fellow Washingtonians suffering from unprecedented blazes due to drought.

As we celebrate the completion of multi-million dollar renovations in downtown Snoqualmie, let us be mindful of our fellow Washingtonians suffering from unprecedented blazes due to drought.

At a time when water conservation is so necessary, we must not waste this precious resource.

While I applaud the installation of beautiful baskets of petunias along downtown lampposts, the automatic drip irrigation system is pouring thousands of gallons of water onto the street.

I placed a bucket under one of the baskets to measure the overflow. Each basket gets about two gallons per watering, several times a day, and there are dozens of them.

Thriving green moss on a hot, dry sidewalk should tell you to cut back.

Let’s be sensible. Can’t downtown beautification coexist with environmental responsibility?

Robert Gilliam,
