This year, for the very first time, the Snoqualmie Valley Rotary Club offered a free dinner to the public on Thanksgiving Day at the Mount Si Senior Center.
We are very grateful to have the senior center available to make this offering. There was an impressive outpouring of generosity and support from many volunteers, made up of Snoqualmie Valley Rotarians, family and friends along with members of local churches and businesses.
The Thanksgiving dinner came together so well, you would think we’ve been doing this for years. I can’t say enough about how well the volunteers worked together. The food was delicious and everything looked great. A special thank you to Judy Boyce and Chris Garcia for their expert guidance in the kitchen.
We didn’t get quite the masses we were expecting but we can learn from this and discuss how to improve for the future. Thanks to the help of dedicated volunteers, dinners were delivered to some homeless in North Bend and Fall City. Other food left over was given to the food bank and senior center.
A great time was had by all and we hope to provide this service again in the future.
Jolene Kelly, Rotary President