LETTERS: Mount Si High could learn something from Cedarcrest High School’s Day of Respect


After reading “Taking a Stand” (April 13, 2011), it seems Mount Si High School could learn something from Cedarcrest High. The latter’s “day of respect” to counter discrimination based on race, gender, and sexual orientation sounds much more inclusive than a “day of silence” protesting just homophobia. Additionally, I’m concerned to read that Mount Si teachers “create classrooms in which abusive language is not allowed”. This suggests that abusive language is allowed in other classrooms. Also, how can Principal Randy Taylor call this a normal day when the campus is closed to visitors and between 29 and 47 percent of students boycott school—while only 13 percent of students take part? The degree to which this event has been covered in the press (and the degree to which Mount Si High School in general has been covered in unfavorable terms in recent years) indicates a substantive lack of leadership by Mr. Taylor and the school board. That story’s headline might have been better as “Failure to Take a Stand”.

Gary Werner

North Bend