Letters | Snoqualmie Mayor needs to get behind citizens, not oppose them

I am a strong believer in collaborative relationships and civility. I do not believe in making enemies and have always tried to deal with opponents—both professionally and personally—in a respectful manner. I must say, however, that I have never been as shocked by anything coming from the city as I was when I read that Mayor Larson—rather than listening and responding thoughtfully to concerns expressed by concerned residents and business owners (who have been part of this community longer than he has) lambasted some of our most responsible citizens by calling them “unreasonable” and “unfair” for speaking out against the annexation of the old mill site for the benefit of a rally driving school.

Who does Matt Larson represent? The citizens of Snoqualmie, or the for-profit businesses who want to annex and develop every inch of property in the Valley?

I am a strong believer in collaborative relationships and civility.  I do not believe in making enemies and have always tried to deal with opponents—both professionally and personally—in a respectful manner. I must say, however, that I have never been as shocked by anything coming from the city as I was when I read that Mayor Larson—rather than listening and responding thoughtfully to concerns expressed by concerned residents and business owners (who have been part of this community longer than he has) lambasted some of our most responsible citizens by calling them “unreasonable” and “unfair”  for speaking out against the annexation of the old mill site for the benefit of a rally driving school.

The private investors, said Matt,  “…are getting whacked around” by citizens who dare to speak out against an attempt at a rushed annexation process with no environmental review and with no benefit to Snoqualmie area residents.

I have seen Matt belittle and yell at citizens with whom he disagreed. I have seen him demonstrate that he has no understanding whatsoever of conflict-of-interest principles, when he testifies as a homeowner or gives a public statement taking a position on an issue.

This mill site annexation statement, however, beats all.  He cannot hide his distain for citizens and responsible business owners like Wendy Thomas, owner of Carmichael’s True Value Hardware, who dare to disagree with his aggressive development plans for the city.

People have expressed thoughtful and well-researched concerns about environmental hazards, noise levels and increased flooding as well as concerns that annexation is not in the best financial interests of the city. For this time and effort and attempted contribution to the betterment of our city, they are chastised and called “unreasonable” by an elected official whose job it is to represent them.

Elected officials who do not represent the people they are elected to represent—especially those who openly and publicly demean and dismiss some of our most responsible and thoughtful citizens—don’t remain in office very long.

Matt owes the citizens of Snoqualmie an apology that is just as open and public as his disrespectful and childish comments.

Deborah Bellam
