I’ve never met Leslie Moon, whose daughter was sent home for having “unnaturally” colored hair, but I couldn’t agree with her more.
My daughters both went to Fall City Elementary, where on any given day of the week, you could see 12 kids with 12 different hair colors. It was never a distraction! In fact, Fall City is one of the best elementary schools in the state. Maybe I should wonder how well they would do at FCES if kids all had the same color hair.
And what’s up with the stretch pants? Those are two ridiculous rules that should go away as soon as possible. I believe that letting people/kids express themselves with different styles and hair color is a quiet and gentle way of teaching kids tolerance for differences in people.
While we’re on the subject of different standards for different schools in the district, why is it that the students at Chief Kanim need to get a 3.7 grade point average to be recognized as Honor Society but the Twin Falls and Snoqualmie Middle School kids get recognized as Honor Roll with a 3.5 g.p.a.? Just asking.
Marsheila Kenow
Fall City