New home needed for historic photos

Do you or any of your readers have an idea of some place the Tolt Historical Society could put their great collection of pictures, — old school ones, family, logging and town pictures?

They are all mounted and labeled. We have seven nice, big display cases of memorabilia of the area. Since being asked to join the Sno Valley Senior Center, we have been on the upper floor of the building for about 15 years.

They have a $333,000 grant and want to raise another $40,000 in donations to remodel the upper story of their building, making five offices, a kitchenette, two bathrooms, a large storeroom, a work room and three project rooms. There will no longer be enough room for our museum.

I hate to see all our history lost. School children, Cub Scouts, local senior citizens, Tolt High alumni, seniors from Kent and Seattle, and people from as far away as Australia and Sweden have enjoyed it.

Thank you for any help you can give us.

Isabel Jones

Charter and life member, Tolt Historical Society, Carnation

• Editor’s note: If you can help provide space for the Tolt Historical Society’s collection, call (425) 333-4436.