I participated in a cleanup of the totem pole garden in Fall City, where we dumped the debris at Rainier Wood Recyclers. I just wanted to give a huge thank you to Rainier Wood Recyclers for allowing free dumping of limbs and branches for the entire month of April!
One can never be silent when it comes to human rights. As Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Silence is betrayal.”
Once again, Ken Hutcherson is stirring things up about the Mount Si High School Day of Silence. As I understand it, prior to Pastor Hutcherson’s involvement, the Day of Silence had been held at Mount Si without any ‘disruption,’ and that the absentee rate on that day in 2007 was essentially the same as for any other school day. It was only last year — when Pastor Hutcherson called out his “prayer warriors” — that the absentee rate soared.
On behalf of Snoqualmie staff and the city council, I’d like to express my ongoing concern for the residents of downtown Snoqualmie who have been affected by the recent flood. I know that hundreds of you have sustained damage to property, loss of personal possessions of practical and sentimental value, displacement in many cases, and stress beyond words. Your well-being is important to us and we will do what we can to continue our assistance through this difficult time.
Scouts and adult leaders from Boy Scout Troops 425, 466 and 701 would like to thank the city of Snoqualmie for their assistance with the troops’ annual fundraiser, a tree recycling project.
A Monday, Jan. 12, article in a Seattle newspaper correctly identified rampant development as a major casue of the massive flooding. The effects go beyond those listed. In summary, those effects include:
Two “one-hundred-year” floods in two years. Unusual? Not anymore. It’s part of the new norm with record-setting floods and droughts happening globally.
FCPD: that’s right, Fall City Park District. Like the ring to that? Well, like everything else, it comes with a price tag.
Thank you, Fall City, for your 2008 support of the Fall City Community Food Pantry. We wish to express our appreciation to all of the anonymous donors and to the following individuals for their gifts of food and money: Jennie and Lee Alexander, Teri Batye, Mark Blake, Jay and Melissa Bluher, Karen Butler, Susan Chamberlin, Peter and Amy Click, Mary Frohs, Timothy and Laurel Gress, Mike Hammers, Lou and Karen Happ, Jerald and Susan Judy, Janet Keller, Carol Killingsworth, Anne Loring, Jerry and Nancy Marshall, Jack McClymont, Gayle McKay, Shirley McLean, Janis Miller and students, James and Laurie Needham, Trese Rand, William and Nancy Rice, Richard and Nicki Romley, Darlene Rose and students, Allen and Kristin Minner, Richard Stamm, Beth and Cami Tarr, Richard and Sue Terbrueggen, Evan Terbrueggen, Ralph Westermann, Nancy and Tom White.
A rant and a rave: A big league rant for the driver of the snow plow who so nicely did our streets but threw a two-plus-foot berm across our shared driveway.
Had this old, disabled guy not owned a gas-guzzling four wheel drive pick-up, we’d probably have been property-bound until a day or two ago.
In 2004, we heard a young man from the land of Lincoln electrify millions with a reminder that we are all Americans. The time had come to end the polarized politics poisoning our nation. The words were captivating enough to move many, including me, to read a book he had written some years before, “Dreams from My Father.”
Due to extraordinary efforts of staff and community volunteers, we are back in school this week, just four days after the severe flooding that pounded our community and schools.
I want to express a bit of frustration at the thought of Boalch Avenue closed for bridge repair. Nothing is being done to repave it.