I want to express a bit of frustration at the thought of Boalch Avenue closed for bridge repair. Nothing is being done to repave it.
Thanks again for the article on the children’s show I did last weekend at Valley Center Stage. The show was a real success. We had many really nice families.
Our rainy, gray Saturday was brightened up enormously by Courtney Campbell, a singer and performer who entranced children and parents alike at the Valley Center Stage today. Her songs and stories were delightful and had everyone singing and playing along.
We want to extend big thanks to Sean Sundwall for organizing the first annual Snoqualmie Ridge Turkey Trot 5K/1K run and community pancake feed on Nov. 15. His time, effort and generosity to bring the community together is something to commend! With community support, he was able to raise funds for both the Cascade View Elementary School and Snoqualmie Elementary School PTSAs. Thank you to the local sponsors for helping him realize this vision. These sponsors include Finaghty’s Irish Pub, Zeebi’s, Emerald City Smoothie, The Cascade Team, Kirby Nelson Orthodontics, Kumon, Bliss Spa on the Ridge, Footzone, Costco, Mike’s Cascade Grill, Snoqualmie Ridge Residential Owners Association and Sahara Pizza. Thank you to all the volunteers, as well. It turned out to be a very successful event while promoting fitness, fun, and community cohesiveness.
• King County Councilwoman Kathy Lambert, (R-Redmond), District 3, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Ave., Room 1200. Seattle, WA 98104-3272. (206) 296-1003. E-mail: kathy.lambert@metrokc.gov
• On Nov. 28, 1582, playwright William Shakespeare, 18, and Anne Hathaway, 26, pay a 40-pound bond for their marriage license in Stratford-upon-Avon. By 1592, Shakespeare was well-established in London’s theatrical world as an actor and playwright.
Many thanks to our wonderful business community for their generosity in helping the Opstad Parent Teacher Association raise funds for our events and programs. These great businesses donated items and food for our annual walk-a-thon, and to our school directory: ACE Hardware, Alpine Dental Care, Alyssa Ann Photography, Amanda Tutor, Bad Girls Antiques, Cascade Comics, Cascade K-9 Academy, Cascade Office Supply, Cascade Steak and Seafood Grill, Cascadia Spas and Stoves, Chocolate 2 Die 4, Christy Trotto Photography, Claffey’s Painting, Costco, Dahlia Barn, Danielson Designs, DMW Martial Arts, Down to Earth Flowers and Gifts, El Caporal Mexican Restaurant, Emerald City Smoothie, Encompass, Eric J. Opsvig D.D.S, Flying Frog Curiosity Shop, Frankie’s Pizza, Home Inspection Plus, Huxdotter Specialty Coffee, John Day Homes, John L. Scott Real Estate/Chandra Behnke, John L. Scott Real Estate/Noelle Blazevich, John L. Scott Real Estate/Tessa Wyrsch, Jolene’s, Kelly Garwood DDS, Kidz Bounce, Kirby Nelson Orthodontics, Klausing Construction, Kumon, Les Schwaab, McDonald’s, Mix It Up Ice Creamery, Mount Si Chevron, Mold Solutions, Mountain Valley Montessori School, North Bend Bar and Grill, North Bend Dental Care, North Bend Dry Cleaners, North Bend Theater, North Bend Yoga, Nursery at Mount Si, Pacific Crest Environmental, PartyLite, Patio Door, Patton Financial, PC Bennett Consulting, Peanut Butter and Lili, Phoenix Used Books, Photography by Joy, Pooch Play, Poopless in Seattle, Preschool Paradise, Puget Sound Gymnastics and Dance, QFC, Rachel’s Hair Salon, Rattlesnake Lake Cycles, RE/Max/Don Bleha, Reef Restaurant, Scott’s Dairy Freeze, Sherwood Group, Si View Community Center, Snoqualmie Candy Factory, Snoqualmie Ridge Music, Snoqualmie Valley Record, Spotted Owl/Northwest Gallery, Twede’s, U Dirty Dog, Yum Yang and Zeebi’s.
Help in the flood
I was a Democrat. Now, thanks to our new voting laws, I am independent again.
Friends of Fall City Parks (FFCP) seized the opportunity to comment on the Determination of Non-Signifcance issued last month by Department of Natural Resources and Parks regarding the proposed transfer of Fall City Park to the Snoqualmie Tribe.
Too often, the dedicated service of our public officials goes unnoticed. As the new school year begins, I would like to thank Representative Glenn Anderson for his tireless service to ensure Washington children receive a world-class education.
Two weeks ago, I attended the play “Sylvia” at Valley Center Stage in downtown North Bend, and was absolutely blown away by the talent and wit of the actors. We laughed, I cried at the end (just a little) and had such a good time.
If North Bend needs to have a meeting about its viability as a city continuing on into the future, then maybe it’s time for a change.