Helping the food bank
On Saturday, Oct. 4, the community came forward with great generosity to increase donations to the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank in North Bend, as part of Prudential Northwest Realty’s Volunteer Food Drive.
QFC shoppers generously contributed $505 in cash and 10 filled shopping carts to the brim with canned food, dry goods and personal items.
I saw the article about battling bikes in natural [areas] and I was a little upset, because it is always about motorbikes or ATVs. We are not bad people. All we want is a place to go riding that is less than a 120-mile round-trip.
I have lived in the Valley all of my life. I have raised my family and some of my grandchildren here. I used to love this Valley, but the way things are changing, it is not my idea of a wonderful country life.
Breath of fresh air? Sarah Palin’s nomination for vice president continues with the stench of cynical Republican politics that appears to believe they can market anything to the American people if the propaganda is clever enough. John McCain, who once pointed out the obvious truth, that many on the religious right were “agents of intolerance,” has now asked one to be his running mate in a cynical plan to win the culturally conservative voters, and women.
VP candidate
Avoided strike
As a parent of a third grade student at Opstad Elementary School, I am deeply grateful that the Snoqualmie Valley School Board, which is already million of dollars in debt, found a way to work with our teachers to avoid a strike.
Elk solutions
Dear Mayor Hearing, city council members, staff and city officials: Every day that I drive through our new traffic circle at North Bend Way and Cedar Falls, I swear to myself, “I am going to write these folks a letter!” Well, here it is.
Dear editor: I love the roundabouts!
When I received my Valley Record on July 23, I was not surprised to see an article about Kathryn Lerner’s family’s decision in the paper. I had been asked to make a comment but was unable to comment by press time. I was surprised by the increased emphasis of the subject by the paper with the additional editorial and the “people on the street” feature.
When I received my Valley Record on July 23, I was not surprised to see an article about Kathryn Lerner’s family’s decision in the paper. I had been asked to make a comment but was unable to comment by press time. I was surprised by the increased emphasis of the subject by the paper with the additional editorial and the “people on the street” feature.
I have taught in this district for eight years and have lived in the Valley for over 15 years. I appreciate what you were trying to say in your editorial (July 9), but was disappointed in your comment saying “the work day is typically shorter.” I don’t know of any teacher that puts in a shorter day than any other professional. The actual time in the building may be less than another type of job, but I am pretty sure those other professionals aren’t lugging home papers to correct, lessons to plan and phone numbers of parents to call from their home at night.
In John Carlson’s Op-Ed, “Barack Obama’s often-shifting policies of change” [Valley Record, July 9], a number of position changes are cited as evidence of inconsistency and inability to stay the course. Of course, unmentioned are the detailed explanations Obama has provided for each of these moves.