On the drive home Monday afternoon, April 14, I heard that there had been a really bad collision near the hospital and that Exit 27 was closed. What seemed most peculiar to me was that a helicopter had been dispatched to fly the victims into Seattle. For me, this does not give me any renewed confidence in the capabilities of our hospital. Fine, so the hospital cannot deal with trauma.
It is amazing that in this day and age, breast cancer is still such a large disease and affects so many people each year. According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, approximately 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die from the disease.
Thank you, Valley Record, for highlighting the autism program at North Bend Elementary School.
As a senior at Mount Si, I am appalled by the behavior of our parents and adults in our community in response to the Day of Silence this year. In recent e-mailings from both the Coalition to Defend Education and supporters of the GSA, I have noticed a trend of blatant hypocrisy that does not become our Valley.
I was thinking about the failure of the school bond measure, and why we are in this situation.
A recommendation has come to the Snoqualmie City Council to adopt a tagline to be added to the city’s new logo. This would be used selectively on marketing materials as the city seeks new businesses, residents, and visitors to our evolving city.