Preserve our legacy to Valley’s children; support for school bond


Having lived in the Valley for 22 years, I am proud of the excellent education my daughters received from our public schools, which has led to their successful careers today.

Snoqualmie Valley schools produce smart, civic-minded, college-ready students. I am grateful to those who came before me in this community who supported schools for my family and others to use—something we often take for granted.

As a citizen, I believe it is our responsibility to continue this legacy of support for future generations of children by building and sustaining our public schools. There is no greater return on an investment we can make than ensuring all children have access to quality educational opportunities. Strong schools help children grow into thoughtful neighbors, healthy consumers, responsible business owners and educated future leaders. When we “pay it forward” by supporting school bonds and levies, we strengthen the community overall.

As a former school board member, I’ve seen firsthand the scrutiny that goes into researching options and carefully managing the district’s limited resources—always with a focus on how to best meet the needs of kids, cost-effectively. As state funding for public education continues to shrink and student enrollment in our district continues to grow, support from the community is crucial for sustaining quality schools that all kids deserve.

My wife and I voted “yes” on the school bond, I hope you will join us and do the same.

Rudy Edwards

North Bend