The Snoqualmie Valley Kiwanis Club would like to wholeheartedly thank the people of Snoqualmie Valley for the outstanding support of our Giving Tree program this year.
With the wonderful outpouring of donations, we were able to make a better Christmas for about 650 children in the Valley. The need this year was huge and the recipients were very grateful.
I would like to thank all the businesses that allowed our trees in their locations this year: QFC, Safeway, Ace Hardware, Cascade Office Supply, North Bend Library, Snoqualmie Library, Steve’s Doughnuts, The Ridge Grocers, City of Snoqualmie, Hauglie Insurance, Encompass, Mount Si Senior Center and The Moose Lodge.
I would like to thank personally the following people for their terrific support of our program: Minuteman Press for their donation of printing of the tags; Francis Claffey, for being so generous with his trailer, and going to different locations to pick up toys; Helping Hand Food Bank for sign up location; Cascade Office Supply for printed materials; Pam and Andrea Suttle and friends for preparing the tags; Sam Larson and Andrea and Brian Duncan for setting up trees and gathering presents; the Metropolitan Park District and Scoot Loos for letting us use the facility for distribution of the gifts; Neil Bailey for always being there for me; Diane Garding and family for the great gift wrapping and donation of many hours; Kim Irvine and her endless supply of awesome volunteers; Angela Barrus for her support; John Coulon and his big group of “Natural Helpers” and the Key Club for their wonderful toy drive!
There are many more volunteers to thank, but the list would be too long. The biggest thank you goes to the wonderful generous community I live in. Thank you all again!
Tina Maloney
Giving Tree chairwoman, North Bend