Buckle up the kids, too

This year’s annual statewide “Click It or Ticket” seat belt campaign, on through May 31, includes an emphasis on children who are not properly restrained.

This year’s annual statewide “Click It or Ticket” seat belt campaign, on through May 31, includes an emphasis on children who are not properly restrained.

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional deaths among children in the United States.

Washington law requires child passengers to be properly restrained until a motor vehicle safety belt fits properly and to sit in the back seat until the age of 13. For more information on child passenger safety in Washington, visit http://washingtonCPS.com.

In King County, many police departments, including Snoqualmie’s, are participating, with the support of the Target Zero Task Force.

These, and all extra patrols, are part of Target Zero—striving to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in Washington by 2030.

For more information, visit www.targetzero.com, or www.wtsc.wa.gov.