The 15th annual Snoqualmie Valley Snowbird Reunion was held on Groundhog’s Day, Feb. 2, in Yuma, Ariz.
In all, 44 current or past Valley residents attended the event. Guests were divided into two groups for the traditiona. photo.
Guests included Bob and Pat Baker, Stan and Twyla Kropi, Vern and Kathy Winter, Dobber and Tony Roat, Roxine, Shonny and Shane Brown, Dick and Marie Casperson, Richard Gibbs, Joyce and Doug Hackenbruch, Walt Pedeferri, Rodger Pratt, Lloyd and Diana Isackson, LeRoy and Sue Salvage, Ginger Castle, Tom and Sandy Mayfield, Jim and Cheryl Bartley, Kay and Steve Ray, Jon and Peggy Pedeferri, Wanda and Paul Stark, Ray Bigler, Sandy and Glen Bennett, Barb and Don Carlson, Vance and Vicki Gervais, Grant Gochnour, Carl Olson, Jeff Olson, and Vicki Prien (host).